Filing your emails... or better, Do NOT file your emails.

This is one I live by. Don't waste time filing your emails.

With today's search tools, you can find whatever you are looking for by using the same search terms you would have used when creating the folder the item goes in.  I have been living my email life with this rule as my guideline for 10 years. I have never been unable to find an email I needed when I needed it. In fact, I believe that I spend less time looking for it by using a search string then I would by scanning a folder tree for the right folder and then scanning annd sorting through that folder for the right email.

By not filing your emails you are saving time on the front end, and when it comes time to find your email you can exercise your mind a little as you recall the most relevant search terms, and then produce a much shorter list of emails to examine.

This feature is obviously built into Gmail and now thankfully Hotmail as well.  If you are using Outlook for business then you can add Google Desktop to your computer and that will index you computer as well as your email. In addition, it will give you a new search field in outlook for searching only your email.  In my experience, this google outlook search box has been more effective than the built in search functionality of outlook, but I have noticed the built in tool quality has improved over previous versions.

That's my time saving tip for today.
