Avoid sending emails as much as you possibly can.

Emails attract other emails. Your email is like the first ant at the picnic. It will announce your presence and bring over all the other ants. Millions of them. I have heard that every email you send will get you 10 more in return. I don't know how scientific this is, but it certainly feels that way to me. I am a beleiver. An innocent, "Do you want to go to lunch could escalate into a long thread of more than 20 emails, especially if there is more than 1 person involved.

This is what instant message and text messaging are for. An even better option is the shoe leather express. Get up and move your self in the direction of your almost email recipient. Submit your request, respond to their needless email, make your snide comment or whatever it is that drives you to send emails. But rest easy in the knowledge that your snide comment, embarressing lunch suggestion, or short sighted business assessment is not documented for the ages in the cloud somewhere.

Now this last part regarding documentation does raise an interesting point. There are some folks, likely the same sock alphabetizers I have mentioned before, who rely on your email to document things. This is unfortunate, but another tip (that I will go into on another day) is don't make other people's problems your problems. Their OCD issues around documentation are not your issue. Here is how you should play that out.

Frank to Ken (in person or on the phone) - Ken, got your email with your question on whether or not we should have a full liquor selection or just beer and wine for the new business welcome reception. First, thanks for checking with me, because we don't want to mess this up. Of course it will be full liquor selection. I am looking forward to it."

Ken to Frank - Thanks Frank, I was nervous about making the call myself because after researching this issue on wikipedia I have found several competing perpsectives with regard to the proper business ettiquite for these types of events. Could you please confirm your selection in an email to me? I would like to have it for my records.

Frank to Ken - Sorry Ken, I can't send that in an email. I am on an email diet, and I am only allowing myself to send a limited number of internal emails a day. However, feel free to document our conversation in whatever manner you need. Sorry to cut this short, but I need to run.

Now, it is entirely possible that Ken will think you are a jerk. However, given his OCD issues, this is probably not the first or last time you will get under his skin, so don't sweat it. It is a small price to pay for your advancement in the arts of email judo.

One more tip here, do not debate your email diet with anyone while engaging in these situations. That is another time trap.

Good luck and be careful out there,
